The simpler set-up did require less balance tweaks, giving the dev team more time to build new content, but many felt at far too high a cost. The New Game Enhancements are ready (some would say they were alpha when released)! Released less than six months after the last massive change, 32 professions were consolidated or outright dropped to make room for nine iconic classes, and pretty much everything was overhauled all over again.The following months did address some of these issues, but then Medics buffs were mostly worthless now, crafted goods were no better than common quest rewards (I kid you not, people were hunting lvl 5 rats outside of Mos Eisley because they had just as much chance to drop good gear as any other mob), and entertainers had almost no role during the CU. It also added a character level system no one had asked for, turned years worth of amazing equipment into junk and wreaked havoc on every support profession. It capped a lot of overpowered equipment and buffs, added status effects to a lot of moves, and better defined different combat professions roles. This was also a major point of controversy and had the side effect of a disproportionate number of players choosing Jedi, making balanced groups a rarity The NGE made Jedi a starter profession, did away with the councils and the village, and gave elder Jedi a special robe and lightsaber crystal (and the ability to look like a force ghost).Yet insane amounts of grinding were needed at every stage and players not interested in Jedi were annoyed at the amount of time and resources being devoted to it. A village where players could train in the ways of the force after helping the inhabitants, the Jedi profession broken into five separate disciplines, XP debt instead of permadeath, and Jedi and Dark Jedi Councils were added.(Bounty hunters could kill outed Jedi and dying three times meant you stayed dead.) Other however liked that you had to work on specific instructions to obtain it since it was considered acceptable to make it hard. Some felt that was a unsatisfying path to Jedi hood while Jedi complained the major risks didn't merit the reward.

These told people to master certain professions to unlock a Jedi character.

Some were fine with that, other felt it was false advertising since the box mentioned the possibility and the game's staff gave cryptic comments about it. For a while, there were no player Jedi.The entire Jedi profession start to finish, not helped by how many times it was changed.

It is a time of civil war, as solar systems have broken away from the Empire and are waging a war of rebellion. In a distant galaxy eons before the creation of the mythical planet known as Earth, vast civilizations have evolved, and ruling the galaxy is an interstellar Empire created from the ruins of an Old Republic that held sway for generations.